Recognition of Richard H. Williams
Blue Earth Historical Society and Museum
Richard H. Williams came to Minnesota with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Williams.
The family, with a yoke of oxen and one cow first settled on the farm now occupied by George Wagner, where they lived for three months. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams then moved to the homestead of 160 acres southeast of Cambria village, which they acquired by right of preemption, paying two and one half dollars per acres.
Here they built a log home.Like other pioneers of those early days, the family lived on "Jonnie" cake and prairie chickens, which were so numerous they could be caught with traps. Passenger pigeons and partridges were also included in the menu.
The corn was ground in the grist mill operated by David P. Davis, on the Little Cottonwood River, on the place known as the Dan P. Davis farm, easily identified by the Rainbow Bridge. A sawmill was located there also.
By a large spring, just below the Williams farm, a tribe of Indians lived in a village every winter. Richard played with the Indian children until he was seven years old, when the uprising occurred in 1862.
During the outbreak of 1862, the Indians brought wild duck and geese to the Williams family and traded them for bread.
Mrs. Hugh Williams died in 1867 and in 1881, Richard Williams, the son, bought the farm. In the same year, on Feb 2, he was married to Elizabeth Evans, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Evan Evans.
Elizabeth Evans Williams was born in Oneida county, New York and came to Judson with her parents in 1865 when she was five years old. The family lived in Judson only a few months, when they moved to a farm south of Cambria.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams have five children, who were all present at the celebration. Leo, at home on the farm, Mrs John Walters, Dodge Centre, Mrs. John Evans, Meriden; Mrs John Thomas and Mrs Alfred Espenson, Cambria.
The records of Richard Hugh Williams:
1860 US Federal Census, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Butternut Valley P184
Hugh Williams, age 38, married, farmer, born in Wales, worth $ 250,
Margaret Williams, age 35, married, born in Wales
Catherine Williams, age 8, born in Wisconsin
Mary Williams, age 5, born in Wisconsin
Richard Williams, age 4, born in Wisconsin
William Williams, age 3, born in Minnesota
Elizabeth Williams, age 1, born in Minnesota
1865 State Census of Minnesota, Blue Earth, Genesco FHL 565714 #48
Hugh Williams,
Margaret Williams
Catharine Williams
Richard Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Ellen Williams
1870 US Federal Census, Minnesota, Blue Earth,Cambria P 314
Hugh Williams, male, age 38, farmer, worth $3200 real estate; $928 personal wealth, born in Wales, parents foreign born
Ruth Williams, female, age 25, keeping house, born in Pennsylvania, parents foreign born
Richard Williams, male,age 13, at home, born in Wisconsin, parents foreign born
Elizabeth Williams, female, age 12, at home, born in Minnesota, parents foreign born
Helen Williams, female, age 9, born in Minnesota, parents foreign born
HughT. Williams, male, age 5, born in Minnesota, parents foreign born
William Williams, male, age 9/12 months, born in Dec, born in Minnesota, father foreign born
1875 State Census of Minnesota, Blue Earth, Butternut Valley FHL 565717 P 234
Hugh Williams, age 45, married, born in Wales, parents born in Wales,
Ruth Williams, age 30, married, born in Pennsylvania, parents born in Wales
Richard Williams, age 20, male, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Wales
Elizabeth Williams, age 16, born in Minnesota, parents born in Wales
Hugh T.Williams, age 9, born in Minnesota, parents born in Wales
William Williams, age 5, born in Minnesota, father born in Wales, mother in Pennsylvania
Benjamen Williams, age 4, born in Minnesota, father born in Wales, mother in Pennsylvania
Marrage Minnesota, Marriages Index, 1849-1950
Richard Williams, male, age 21, born 1860, and Elizabeth Evans, female, age 19, born about 1862 were married in Minnesota on 25 Feb 1881
1885 Minnesota State Census, Blue Earth, Cambria FHL 565734
Richard Williams, male, age 30, born in Wisconsin, married, parents foreign ,married to Lizzy Williams
Hugh T. Williams, age 20, born in Minnesota, parents foreign born
May Williams, age 4, born in Minnesota
Nellie Williams, age 1, born in Minnesota
1900 US Federal Census, Minnesota, Blue Earth,Cambria ED3 P71 FHL 1240757
Richard Williams,male, age 45, born April 1855, married 19 years, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Wales, farmer
Elizabeth Williams, wife, white, female, born March 1860, age 40, married 19 years, 5 of 11 living children, born in New York, paretns in Wales
Leo Williams, age 4,son, white, male, born Aug 1895, age 4, single, born in Minnesota,
father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
May C. Williams, age 18, daughter, white, female, born Aug 1881, age 18, single, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
Nellie Williams, age 15,daughter, white, female, born June 1884, sinle, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
Maggie Williams, age 13,daughter, white, female, born Feb 1887, age 13, single, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
Winifred Williams, age2, daughter, white, female, born July 1897, age 2, single, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
1905 Minnesota State Census, Blue Earth, Cambria FHL 928769
Richard Williams,male, age 50, born in Minnesota, married to Elizabeth
1910 US Federal Census, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Cambria P 242 FHL 1374703
Richard Williams, head, white, male, age 55, married 28 year, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Wales, farmer
Elizabeth Williams, wife, white, female, age 50, married once 28 years, born in New York, parents in Wales
May Williams, daughter, female, white, age 28, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
Leo Williams, son, male, white, age 14, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in NEw York, farm labourer
Winnie Williams, daughter, female, white, age 12, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
1920 US Federal Census, Minnesota,Blue Earth,Cambria ED3 P 30 FHL 1820825
Richard Williams,head, white, male, age 64, married 28 years born in Wisconsin, parents born in Wales, farmer
Elizabeth Williams, wife, white, female, age 50, married 28 years, born in New York, parents in W
May Williams, female, daughter, white, age 28, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York,
Leo Williams, son, white , male, age 14, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York, farm labourer
Winnie Williams, daughter, white, female, age 12, single, father born in Wisconsin, mother in New York
1930 Us Federal Census, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Cambria, ED 4 P 6
Richard Williams, head, male, white, age 75, married at age 25, born in Wisconsin, parents in Wales, no occupation
Elizabeth Williams, wife, female, white, age 70, married at age 20, born in New York parents in Wales
Winnifred Williams, dauaghter, female, whtie, age 32, single, born in Minnesota, father in Wisconsin, mother in New York
1940 US Federal Census, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Cambria, ED 7-4 Sheet 3A
Richard Williams, head, male, white, age 85, married, didn't attend school that year, finished 8th grade, born in Wisconsin, living in the same house as April 1, 1935
Lisabeth Williams, head, female, white, age 80, married, didn't attend school that year, finished 8th grade, born in New York, living in the same house as April 1, 1935.
Newspaper Article Honoring Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams
as Pioneers
Obituary "Richard Williams, of Pioneer Cambria Family, Dies July 30
Richard Williams, one of the earliest settlers of Cambria township, died at the Union hospital in New Ulm about 1:30 Wednesday night, July 30, 1941, following a brief illness lasting just one week. He was 86 years of age and the last of the Pioneer Williams family.
Mr. Williams was born April 1, 1855, near Waukesha, Wisconsin, and came to Minnesota with his parents , the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Williams, when he was three months old in the summer of 1855. The family first settled on the farm, now occupied by George Wagner, where they lived for three months then moved to the homestead of 160 acres southeast of the village of Cambria. On this particular farm, the deceased lived for 85 years, having purchased the home place from his father in 1881. Few people have lived so long in one place.
On February 25,1881, Mr. Williams was married to Miss Elizabeth Evans, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Evans.
Besides his wife, he is survived by the following children: Leo, at home on the farm; Mrs. John Walters, Dodge Center; Mrs. John Evans, Meriden; Mrs. John Thomas and Mrs. Alfred Espenson, Cambria. There are also 22 grandchildren ad 10 great grandchildren.
A citizen of the highest type, Mr. Williams was known for his honesty and fine moral character, his death marking the end of a long and honorable career. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends
Funeral services were held Saturday at the home and at 2 o'clock at the Cambria Presbyterian Church, with Rev. R.J. Owen of Judson officiating. He was assisted by E.K. Roberts, student pastor of Racine, Wisconsin. Burial was in the Cambria cemetery.
Several musical selections were rendered by Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. Ivor Price, Mrs. Dave Price, Evan Bowen and Evan Price, accompanied by Miss Alva Evans.
The pallbearers were the grandsons of the deceased, Oswald and Raymond Evans, William, Richard, Kenneth and John Walters.
Among those who attended the funeral from a distance were the following relatives: Mr. and Mrs Edwin Williams and Mr. and Mrs Raymond Williams, Owatonna; Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and daughter, Wilma; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Evans and daughter Shirley, Mar. and Mrs. Oswald Evans and daughter Mary Lou of Meriden; Mr. and Mrs. John Walters and daughters Mary, May and Lavonne and son Woodrow of Dodge Center; Mr.. and Mrs. Richard Walters, Kasson; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walters, Minneapolis; John Walters, Rochester; William Walters, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDougall and children June and Clayton, Judson; Mrs. Esther Mallon and son Orville and daughter Bernice, Gibbon; Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Jones, Mankato; Mr. and Mrs. Lew J. Lewis, Judson; Mrs. Jane Owens and son Maldwyn, Will S. Hughes and Hugh S. Hughes, Butternut Valley; Mr. and Mrs John Williams, Lake Crystal. Two grandsons, Floyd and Robert Walters were unable to be present.